Tap Tempo LFO (TAPLFO V2)
Build thread:
http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=84020.0Koop PCB + PIC van Taylor ($23 = 18 euro):
http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=83423.0http://musicpcb.com/pcbs/tap-tempo-tremolo/Project PDF:
http://musicpcb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Tap-Tempo-Tremolo-build-PDF-updated.pdfhttp://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php/v/Taylor/Tap+Tempo+Tremolo+build+PDF+updated.pdf.htmlTremelo schema:
http://www.electricdruid.com/images/lfo/TapTremolo.gifmet PIC uController code van:
Tap Tempo LFO (TAPLFO V2) - electricdruid
http://www.electricdruid.com/index.php?page=projects.taplfohttp://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=76436.0Tap tempo tremolo met PIC uController:
http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=80407.0Note on bypass wiring:
http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=84020.msg713301#msg713301I ground the PWM output in bypass through a 10k resistor instead of just disconnecting it.
Making any knob a rotary switch instead of a pot, for anyone else who might wonder ( page 8 ):
Tap tempo tremolo
Bill of Materials
http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=80407.msg693220#msg693220Part type
quantity - part (Mouser part number where available, additional info)
1 - Electric Druid TAPLFO
1 - TL072 (dual opamp)
1 - 78L05 (5 volt regulator)
1 - 14pin IC socket
1 - 8pin IC socket
1 - 2N3904 (NPN transistor)
5 - B10K (if you're not using the Wave Distort knob, you'll only need 4 B10K potentiometers.)
1 - A25K (Optional. This is for an external gain knob if you want one)
3 - 22K trimpot (Strongly recommend you use Mouser part# 652-3362P-1-223LF. Other trimpots may be difficult to fit.)
3 - 10K (if you aren't using the Wave Distort feature, you'll need 2 more 10k resistors, for a total of 5)
4 - 1K
1 - 3K6 (3.6K)
2 - 1M
1 - 10R (10 OHMS)
2 - 220K
2 - 100K
1 - 1N4001
1 - LED (superbright blue is ideal)
Capacitors (cap types are just suggestions)
7 - 100NF (.1UF) film
2 - 1UF film (Mouser part# 80-R82DC4100DQ60J)
1 - 330NF film
NOTE: all film caps are intended to be boxed metal film caps. Other cap types will not fit.
2 - 22PF ceramic
1 - 330PF ceramic
1 - 10UF electrolytic
1 - 100uf electrolytic
1 - NSL-32 is recommended. If using something else, look for around 500 ohm ON resistance, 500k OFF resistance.
1 - Momentary SPST stomp switch for the tap function, labeled "TAP SW" on the board. If adding the Multiplier step switch, you'll need a second momentary SPST.
1 - 3PDT stomp (bypass)
1 - 20 MHZ crystal, labeled "XTAL" on the board. (Mouser part #815-ABL-20-B2)