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Re: Schema Database
« Reactie #60 Gepost op: 11 augustus 2010, 17:27:51 »
Hahaha, ik ook! Misschien wil Andre het scannen en uploaden?
Of moet ik het in "links database" stoppen?

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Re: Schema Database: JCM800 emulator by electrictabs
« Reactie #61 Gepost op: 7 november 2010, 19:04:18 »
Electrictabs' JCM800 emulator.
It has a great crunch and a variety of gain available.
Naar het voorbeeld van de Thunderchief door
The legendary Marshall 100W Super Lead adapted for use as a distortion stompbox

Schema (verbetert met extra 100nF koppel condensator voor de laatste volume potmeter):

JCM800 Emulator PCB

Dezelfde JCM800 Emulator PCB met groundpour, zonder aardlus:

JCM800 Emulator Layout
Een extra koppel condensator (100nF) is geplaatst tussen de Drain van Q6 (de meest rechter FET) en poot 3 van de volume potmeter.


JCM800 Emulator BOM:
5 - 100k trimpots
6 - J201 jfets
3 - 1Meg audio pots
1 - 250k audio pot
1 - 25k linear pot
1 - 100k audio pot
1 - 100uf electrolytic cap
1 - 68k res.
1 - 2.7k res.
3 - 470k res.
2 - 10k res.
1 - 820 res.
1 - 33k res.
2 - 1M res.
1 - 470 res.
2 - 4.7k res.
1 - 220k res.
1 - 1k res.
1 - 100k res.
3 - 470p caps
1 - 680n cap
6 - 22n caps
1 - 2.2n cap
1 - 100n cap

Er is geen koppel condensator tussen de Drain van Q6 (de meest rechter FET) en poot 3 van de volume potmeter.
Dit zorgt voor een bias probleem bij Q6 en voor gelijkspanning op de volume potmeter. 
Plaats een extra koppel condensator (100nF of zo) tussen de Drain van Q6 (de meest rechter FET) en poot 3 van de volume potmeter.
Dit is gedaan in bovenstaand schema en in de bijlage.
Looks like it's a combination of negative feedback (with less NFB at higher frequencies) and an error in the layout.
The 2.2n cap should be AC coupling the output signal that goes to volume pot, not the NFB path. Alternatively, the feedback path could be also AC coupled with a cap (but this is not overly important as there is a 100K-4K7 resistive voltage divider for the DC making the effect of DC feedback rather miniscule) but the most important thing is to AC couple the output.

So, due to layout error the DC bias potential levels are skewed to begin with,  plus it has those stupid trimmers at drains that are way off the proper bias range likely 90% of their dial. No wonder people have problems to bias that thing.

BTW, that stage is pretty much copied from ROG's "Thunderchief" design (likely rest of the circuit is too with addition of a TMB tone stack), but it was copied with some major errors that make the biasing difficult if not entirely impossible. Ironically, even the original Thunderchied design had a reputation of not getting that stage to bias correctly. Anyway, here's how the circuit really should look like:
As you can see, correcting the error in the layout is pretty much as small and simple task as moving a single trace from one point to another or simply soldering a coupling cap to the volume potentiometer.

Project plan (Duits):
van uk-electronic:

« Laatst bewerkt op: 29 november 2010, 00:07:07 door Flo »

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Re: Schema Database: Colorsound inductorless (twin-t) wah
« Reactie #62 Gepost op: 2 februari 2011, 11:27:33 »
Colorsound inductorless (twin-t) wah


Nog een schema:

Freq plot:

BOM (diystompboxes 1e schema):
R1: 5M7  (!!!)
R2: 10K
R3: 330K
R4: 1M
R5: 180K
R6: 180K
R7: 470 ohm with a 100K pot in series
R9: 33K
R10: 100K
R11: 47K
C1: .01
C2: .015
C3: .0022
C4: .0068
C5: .1
C6: .01
C7: .0022
Q: High gain NPN like BC549 or 2N5089.


Let op! Component nummering van vero is anders dan in het schema.
« Laatst bewerkt op: 2 februari 2011, 11:38:02 door Flo »

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Re: Schema Database: Belton reverb project
« Reactie #63 Gepost op: 7 juni 2011, 13:51:06 »
Bverb - une réverb digitale Belton BTDR-1H

PCB version of the GGG Belton reverb project:




Partlist Bverb

résistances :
R1 1meg
R2 33k
R3 10k
R4 10k
R5 39k
R6 39k
R7 10k
R8 470
R9 100k
R10 22k
R11 1meg
R12 1meg

Potard :
Pot 10k lin

C1 100n
C2 22n
C3 10u 16V
C4 47u 16V
C5 100n
C6 0.1u 6.3V
C7 100u 16V
Autres :
U1 BTDR-1H Belton (voir musikding)
IC1 7805 SMD attention à ce point important !
IC2 AOP double
IC3 AOP double
J1 jumper

connections :
+V alim 9V
+5 jumper avec +V1 sauf si alim séparée pour le "reverb tank"
+V1 jumper avec +5 sauf si alim séparée pour le "reverb tank"
AGND masse alim "reverb tank" uniquement si alim séparée pour le "reverb tank"
IN in
OUT out
POT1 potard pate 1
POT2 potard pate 2
POT3 potard pate 3
G1 masse
G2 masse
G3 mass



« Laatst bewerkt op: 7 juni 2011, 13:55:49 door Flo »

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Re: Schema Database: Tap Tempo LFO (TAPLFO V2)
« Reactie #64 Gepost op: 8 juni 2011, 11:02:26 »
Tap Tempo LFO (TAPLFO V2)

Build thread:

Koop PCB + PIC van Taylor ($23 = 18 euro):

Project PDF:

Tremelo schema:

met PIC uController code van:
Tap Tempo LFO (TAPLFO V2) - electricdruid

Tap tempo tremolo met PIC uController:

Note on bypass wiring:
I ground the PWM output in bypass through a 10k resistor instead of just disconnecting it.


Making any knob a rotary switch instead of a pot, for anyone else who might wonder ( page 8 ):


Tap tempo tremolo
Bill of Materials

Part type
   quantity - part       (Mouser part number where available, additional info)

   1 - Electric Druid TAPLFO
   1 - TL072       (dual opamp)
   1 - 78L05       (5 volt regulator)

   1 - 14pin IC socket
   1 - 8pin IC socket

   1 - 2N3904       (NPN transistor)
   5 - B10K       (if you're not using the Wave Distort knob, you'll only need 4 B10K potentiometers.)
   1 - A25K       (Optional. This is for an external gain knob if you want one)
   3 - 22K trimpot       (Strongly recommend you use Mouser part# 652-3362P-1-223LF. Other trimpots may be difficult to fit.)

   3 - 10K          (if you aren't using the Wave Distort feature, you'll need 2 more 10k resistors, for a total of 5)
   4 - 1K
   1 - 3K6          (3.6K)
   2 - 1M
   1 - 10R          (10 OHMS)
   2 - 220K
   2 - 100K
   1 - 1N4001
   1 - LED       (superbright blue is ideal)
Capacitors          (cap types are just suggestions)
   7 - 100NF (.1UF) film
   2 - 1UF film         (Mouser part# 80-R82DC4100DQ60J)
   1 - 330NF film

            NOTE: all film caps are intended to be boxed metal film caps. Other cap types will not fit.

   2 - 22PF ceramic
   1 - 330PF ceramic
   1 - 10UF electrolytic
   1 - 100uf electrolytic

    1 - NSL-32 is recommended. If using something else, look for around 500 ohm ON resistance, 500k OFF resistance.

   1 - Momentary SPST stomp switch for the tap function, labeled "TAP SW" on the board. If adding the Multiplier step switch, you'll need a second momentary SPST.
   1 - 3PDT stomp       (bypass)

   1 - 20 MHZ crystal, labeled "XTAL" on the board. (Mouser part #815-ABL-20-B2)

« Laatst bewerkt op: 8 juni 2011, 11:07:48 door Flo »

Offline martijne

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Schema's van Devi Ever fuzzes / overdrives en boosters
« Reactie #65 Gepost op: 21 september 2011, 11:05:05 »
Devi Ever schema's van fuzzes / boosters / overdrives. Flink hard allemaal en goed te bouwen

Op het forum staan nog meer schema's (variaties op de bovenstaande) en allerlei mods en combinaties. Ook zijn er pcb's en kits te koop via

Offline martijne

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Verzamelde DIY info over Devi Ever fuzzes
« Reactie #66 Gepost op: 29 november 2011, 09:39:39 »
Alle info over Devi Ever fuzzes bij elkaar in 1 pdf.  Schema's, vero's, mods, combinaties en diverse tips & tricks op

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Re: Schema Database: Wampler Plexi Drive - JFET overdrive
« Reactie #67 Gepost op: 14 januari 2012, 02:29:34 »
Wampler Plexi Drive - JFET overdrive


Project PCB:

Some people experienced popping which can be due to the input being connected directly to the first JFET gate.  This is a modified version which adds an input capacitor and anti-popping resistor.


B: here are voltages if anyone needs them: (supply 9.02V)
Q1: (DSG) 3.65V 0.36V 0V
Q2: (DSG) 5.37V 0.24V 0V
Q3: (DSG) 3.76V 0.35V 0V

A: DON'T do it this way. You MUST sort through jfets to get a bias as close to 4.5 - 5v max as possible. This will allow to keep the drain resistors the same.

B: ok, these are my new voltages:
Q1: (DSG) 4.59V 0.29V 0V
Q2: (DSG) 4.78V 0.28V 0V
Q3: (DSG) 4.95V 0.27V 0V
picked 3 from a set of 10, and that's tight.
(just install socket on Q1 and measure drain voltages on all of them)

B: not a big change in sound, sounds a bit clearer (tube-ier maybe)
I also think that it would be much easier to just change those drain resistors.

A: That's one way, but it'll change the gains and eq a bit. It won't be an accurate clone.

B: The pedal sounds clearer all over, and it's not farty on lower gain settings this way. My Q1 is 4.51V. Q2 ad Q3 around 4,7V. Highly recommended!
« Laatst bewerkt op: 8 januari 2013, 13:51:14 door Flo »

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Re: Schema Database
« Reactie #68 Gepost op: 12 juni 2012, 12:18:16 »
Directory met bijna alle fuzz varianten op veroboard als afbeelding.

Lijst is gigantisch!
Met vriendelijke groet,

Friedrich from Niederrhein

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Re: Schema Database: BBD probe - Dirk Hendrik
« Reactie #70 Gepost op: 8 januari 2013, 14:22:07 »
BBD probe - Dirk Hendrik
If there's something I really can's stand it's the adjusting the bias of BBD based circuits in order to tune the distortion to minimal while coping on the BBD's output. The signal is sampled and when scoping the output of a BBD one has to "see" the correct signal (from a sinewave generrator) "through" the samples. pretty tough to determine hom much distorting there's left. The rough tuning is easy but the details are not.
So, I took the output filtering of an Ibanez AD-9 delay and made a small probe containing this circuit: